Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I like Movies...

Hello internet... or is it Internet? Is internet a proper noun?... what was I doing?.... Oh, right, the blog, that's why you people are here. So this is my first post, I think I'll start by saying a bit about myself. My name is Daniel Wasserman, most people call me Dan, I also go by Danny, Dani, and Niel. I am a fan of Sci-Fi and Superheroes first, but I tend to be into all sorts of things, and above all I love films. All sorts. A few years ago I got really into film, it very quickly became my life and I broadened beyond mainstream films into the wonderful vast vault of goodies that is independent films. So as I started watching these lesser known films I realized that they were, as a whole, better than the mainstream Hollywood bullshit. Furthermore I believe whole-heartedly that the best big budget films are made by filmmakers that, at heart are like those indie directors, someone like George Lucas (pre-Phantom Menace). Or Chris Nolan who's films at their cores remain the same from his film-school short "Doodlebug" to "Following" "Memento" and "Inception" which I see as the evolution of one film. These sorts of directors are the people I admire, I really can't get enough of Nolan, and the constantly overlooked Louis Leterrier. Alas being a huge nerd I can't help but shelling out money to view the latest J.J. Abrams 2hr Star Wars demo-reel or Marvel's ever expanding and confusing cinematic universe. Why just last week I went to see the latest failed attempt to put Superman on film, a task that I am constantly being shown is virtually impossible. I'll watch any movie once, and then I'll most likely lecture my friends on everything wrong with it. So there you have it, stay tuned for the real show, I hope to keep you on the edge of your seat.

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